Journal publications

[see all]

    In press

  1. Xiaoyu Guo, Jing Ma, Arkaitz Zubiaga.
    Cluster-based Deep Ensemble Learning for Emotion Classification in Internet Memes [pdf] [+]
    Journal of Information Science. In press.
  2. 2024

  3. Ruben Sanchez-Corcuera, Arkaitz Zubiaga, Aitor Almeida.
    Early Detection and Prevention of Malicious User Behaviour on Twitter Using Deep Learning Techniques [pdf] [+]
    IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems. 2024.
  4. Aida Halitaj, Arkaitz Zubiaga.
    Providing Citations to Support Fact-checking: Contextualizing Detection of Sentences Needing Citation on Small Wikipedias [pdf] [+]
    Natural Language Processing Journal. 2024.
  5. Rrubaa Panchendrarajan, Arkaitz Zubiaga.
    Synergizing Machine Learning & Symbolic Methods: A Survey on Hybrid Approaches to Natural Language Processing [pdf] [+]
    Expert Systems with Applications. 2024.
  6. Parisa Jamadi Khiabani, Arkaitz Zubiaga.
    Few-shot Learning for Cross-Target Stance Detection by Aggregating Multimodal Embeddings [pdf] [+]
    IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems. 2024.
  7. Dimitris Gkoumas, Bo Wang, Adam Tsakalidis, Maria Wolters, Matthew Purver, Arkaitz Zubiaga, Maria Liakata.
    A Longitudinal Multi-modal Dataset for Dementia Monitoring and Diagnosis [pdf] [+]
    Language Resources and Evaluation. 2024.
  8. Rrubaa Panchendrarajan, Arkaitz Zubiaga.
    Claim Detection for Automated Fact-checking: A Survey on Monolingual, Multilingual and Cross-Lingual Research [pdf] [+]
    Natural Language Processing Journal. 2024.
  9. Arkaitz Zubiaga, Paolo Rosso.
    Special Issue on Analysis and Mining of Social Media Data [pdf] [+]
    PeerJ Computer Science. 2024.
  10. Arkaitz Zubiaga.
    Natural Language Processing in the Era of Large Language Models [pdf] [+]
    Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence. 2024.
  11. 2023

  12. Raneem Alharthi, Rajwa Alharthi, Ravi Shekhar, Arkaitz Zubiaga.
    Target-Oriented Investigation of Online Abusive Attacks: A Dataset and Analysis [pdf] [+]
    IEEE Access. 2023.
  13. Peiling Yi, Arkaitz Zubiaga.
    Session-based Cyberbullying Detection in Social Media: A Survey [pdf] [+]
    Online Social Networks and Media. 2023.
  14. Amani Abumansour, Arkaitz Zubiaga.
    Check-worthy Claim Detection across Topics for Automated Fact-checking [pdf] [+]
    PeerJ Computer Science. 2023.
  15. Rabab Alkhalifa, Elena Kochkina, Arkaitz Zubiaga.
    Building for Tomorrow: Assessing the Temporal Persistence of Text Classifiers [pdf] [+]
    Information Processing and Management. 2023.
  16. Elena Kochkina, Tamanna Hossain, Robert L. Logan IV, Miguel Arana-Catania, Rob Procter, Arkaitz Zubiaga, Sameer Singh, Yulan He, Maria Liakata.
    Evaluating the Generalisability of Neural Rumour Verification Models [pdf] [+]
    Information Processing and Management. 2023.
  17. Daniela Godoy, Antonela Tommasel, Arkaitz Zubiaga.
    Special Issue on Intelligent Systems for Tackling Online Harms [pdf] [+]
    Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. 2023.
  18. 2022

  19. Xia Zeng, Arkaitz Zubiaga.
    Aggregating pairwise semantic differences for few-shot claim verification [pdf] [+]
    PeerJ Computer Science. 2022.
  20. Wenjie Yin, Arkaitz Zubiaga.
    Hidden behind the obvious: misleading keywords and implicitly abusive language on social media [pdf] [+]
    Online Social Networks and Media. 2022.
  21. Rabab Alkhalifa, Arkaitz Zubiaga.
    Capturing Stance Dynamics in Social Media: Open Challenges and Research Directions [pdf] [+]
    International Journal of Digital Humanities. 2022.
  22. Aiqi Jiang, Xiaohan Yang, Yang Liu, Arkaitz Zubiaga.
    SWSR: A Chinese Dataset and Lexicon for Online Sexism Detection [pdf] [+]
    Online Social Networks and Media. 2022.
  23. Arkaitz Zubiaga, Bertie Vidgen, Miriam Fernandez, Nishanth Sastry.
    Editorial for Special Issue on Detecting, Understanding and Countering Online Harms [pdf] [+]
    Online Social Networks and Media. 2022.
  24. 2021

  25. Noman Ashraf, Arkaitz Zubiaga, Alexander Gelbukh.
    Abusive Language Detection in YouTube Comments Leveraging Replies as Conversational Context [pdf] [+]
    PeerJ Computer Science. 2021.
  26. Xia Zeng, Amani Abumansour, Arkaitz Zubiaga.
    Automated Fact-checking: A Survey [pdf] [+]
    Language and Linguistics Compass. 2021.
  27. Maaz Amjad, Noman Ashraf, Alisa Zhila, Grigori Sidorov, Arkaitz Zubiaga, Alexander Gelbukh.
    Threatening Language Detection and Target Identification in Urdu Tweets [pdf] [+]
    IEEE Access. 2021.
  28. Miguel Arana-Catania, Felix-Anselm van Lier, Rob Procter, Nataliya Tkachenko, Yulan He, Arkaitz Zubiaga, Maria Liakata.
    Citizen Participation and Machine Learning for a Better Democracy [pdf] [+]
    ACM DGOV. 2021.
  29. Ruben Sanchez-Corcuera, Arkaitz Zubiaga, Aitor Almeida.
    Analysing the Existence of Organisation Specific Languages on Twitter [pdf] [+]
    IEEE Access. 2021.
  30. Wenjie Yin, Arkaitz Zubiaga.
    Towards generalisable hate speech detection: a review on obstacles and solutions [pdf] [+]
    PeerJ Computer Science. 2021.
  31. Lev Konstantinovskiy, Oliver Price, Mevan Babakar, Arkaitz Zubiaga.
    Towards Automated Factchecking: Developing an Annotation Schema and Benchmark for Consistent Automated Claim Detection [pdf] [+]
    ACM DTRAP. 2021.
  32. Leon Fröhling, Arkaitz Zubiaga.
    Feature-based detection of automated language models: Tackling GPT-2, GPT-3 and Grover [pdf] [+]
    PeerJ Computer Science. 2021.
  33. Diogo Cortiz, Arkaitz Zubiaga.
    Ethical and Technical Challenges of AI in Tackling Hate Speech [pdf] [+]
    International Review of Information Ethics. 2021.
  34. Xiaoyu Guo, Jing Ma, Arkaitz Zubiaga, Jianguo Xiong, Chen Zheng, Aiqi Jiang.
    A Review of Internet Meme Studies: State of the Art and Outlook [+]
    Information studies: Theory & Application. 2021.
  35. Neeraj Vashistha, Arkaitz Zubiaga.
    Online Multilingual Hate Speech Detection: Experimenting with Hindi and English Social Media [pdf] [+]
    Information. 2021.
  36. 2020

  37. Shital Lathiya, J S Dhobi, Arkaitz Zubiaga, Maria Liakata, Rob Procter.
    Birds of a Feather Check Together: Leveraging Homophily for Sequential Rumour Detection [pdf] [+]
    Online Social Networks and Media. 2020.
  38. Arkaitz Zubiaga, Aiqi Jiang.
    Early Detection of Social Media Hoaxes at Scale [pdf] [+]
    ACM TWEB. 2020.
  39. 2019

  40. Arkaitz Zubiaga, Bo Wang, Maria Liakata, Rob Procter.
    Political Homophily in Independence Movements: Analysing and Classifying Social Media Users by National Identity [pdf] [+]
    IEEE Intelligent Systems. 2019.
  41. Aiqi Jiang, Arkaitz Zubiaga.
    Leveraging aspect phrase embeddings for cross-domain review rating prediction [pdf] [+]
    PeerJ Computer Science. 2019.
  42. Arkaitz Zubiaga.
    Mining Social Media for Newsgathering: A Review [pdf] [+]
    Online Social Networks and Media. 2019.
  43. Damiano Spina, Arkaitz Zubiaga, Amit P. Sheth, Markus Strohmaier.
    Processing Social Media in Real-Time [pdf] [+]
    Information Processing and Management. 2019.
  44. Arkaitz Zubiaga, Bahareh R. Heravi, Jisun An, Haewoon Kwak.
    Social Media Mining for Journalism [pdf] [+]
    Online Information Review. 2019.
  45. Michal Lukasik, Kalina Bontcheva, Trevor Cohn, Arkaitz Zubiaga, Maria Liakata, Rob Procter.
    Gaussian Processes for Rumour Stance Classification in Social Media [pdf] [+]
    ACM Transactions on Information Systems. 2019.
  46. 2018

  47. Arkaitz Zubiaga, Rob Procter, Carsten Maple.
    A Longitudinal Analysis of the Public Perception of the Opportunities and Challenges of the Internet of Things [pdf] [+]
    PLOS ONE. 2018.
  48. Arkaitz Zubiaga.
    A Longitudinal Assessment of the Persistence of Twitter Datasets [pdf] [+]
    JASIST. 2018.
  49. Arkaitz Zubiaga, Ahmet Aker, Kalina Bontcheva, Maria Liakata, Rob Procter.
    Detection and Resolution of Rumours in Social Media: A Survey [pdf] [+]
    ACM Computing Surveys. 2018.
  50. Peter Tolmie, Rob Procter, Mark Rouncefield, Maria Liakata, Arkaitz Zubiaga.
    Microblog Analysis as a Programme of Work [pdf] [+]
    ACM Transactions on Social Computing. 2018.
  51. Arkaitz Zubiaga, Elena Kochkina, Maria Liakata, Rob Procter, Michal Lukasik, Kalina Bontcheva, Trevor Cohn, Isabelle Augenstein.
    Discourse-Aware Rumour Stance Classification in Social Media Using Sequential Classifiers [pdf] [+]
    Information Processing and Management. 2018.
  52. 2017

  53. Arkaitz Zubiaga, Alex Voss, Rob Procter, Maria Liakata, Bo Wang, Adam Tsakalidis.
    Towards Real-Time, Country-Level Location Classification of Worldwide Tweets [pdf] [+]
    IEEE TKDE. 2017. [IF 2016: 3.438]
  54. Alberto P. García-Plaza, Víctor Fresno, Raquel Martínez, Arkaitz Zubiaga.
    Using Fuzzy Logic to Leverage HTML Markup for Web Page Representation [pdf] [+]
    IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems. 2017. [IF 2016: 7.671]
  55. 2016

  56. Arkaitz Zubiaga, Brian Mac Namee.
    Graphical Perception of Value Distributions: An Evaluation of Non-Expert Viewers' Data Literacy [pdf] [+]
    Journal of Community Informatics. 2016.
  57. Arkaitz Zubiaga, Iñaki San Vicente, Pablo Gamallo, José Ramom Pichel, Iñaki Alegria, Nora Aranberri, Aitzol Ezeiza, Víctor Fresno.
    TweetLID: A Benchmark for Tweet Language Identification [pdf] [+]
    Language Resources and Evaluation. 2016. [IF 2016: 0.738]
  58. Arkaitz Zubiaga, Maria Liakata, Rob Procter, Geraldine Wong Sak Hoi, Peter Tolmie.
    Analysing How People Orient to and Spread Rumours in Social Media by Looking at Conversational Threads [pdf] [+]
    PLOS ONE. 2016. [IF 2014: 3.234]
  59. Arkaitz Zubiaga.
    Euskahaldun: euskararen aldeko martxa baten sare sozialetako islaren bilketa eta analisia [pdf] [+]
    EKAIA. 2016.
  60. Jisun An, David J. Crandall, Roman Fedorov, Casey Fiesler, Fabio Giglietto, Bahareh R. Heravi, Jessica Pater, Konstantinos Pelechrinis, Daniele Quercia, Katrin Weller, Arkaitz Zubiaga.
    Reports of the Workshops Held at the 2016 International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media [+]
    AI Magazine. 2016. [IF 2016: 0.812]
  61. 2015

  62. Iñaki Alegria, Nora Aranberri, Pere R. Comas, Víctor Fresno, Pablo Gamallo, Lluís Padró, Iñaki San Vicente, Jordi Turmo, Arkaitz Zubiaga.
    TweetNorm: A Benchmark for Lexical Normalization of Spanish Tweets [pdf] [+]
    Language Resources and Evaluation. 2015. [IF 2015: 0.975]
  63. Víctor Fresno, Arkaitz Zubiaga, Heng Ji, Raquel Martínez.
    Exploiting Geolocation, User and Temporal Information for Monitoring Natural Hazards on Twitter [pdf] [+]
    Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural. 2015.
  64. Arkaitz Zubiaga, Damiano Spina, Víctor Fresno, Raquel Martínez.
    Real-Time Classification of Twitter Trends [pdf] [+]
    JASIST. 2015. [IF 2015: 1.864]
  65. 2014

  66. Arkaitz Zubiaga, Heng Ji.
    Tweet, but Verify: Epistemic Study of Information Verification on Twitter [pdf] [+]
    Social Network Analysis and Mining. 2014.
  67. 2013

  68. Iñaki Alegria, Unai Cabezón, Unai Fernandez de Betoño, Gorka Labaka, Aingeru Mayor, Kepa Sarasola, Arkaitz Zubiaga.
    Wikipedia eta itzulpen automatikoa: harri batez bizpalau xori [pdf] [+]
    EKAIA. 2013.
  69. Arkaitz Zubiaga, Víctor Fresno, Raquel Martínez, Alberto Pérez García-Plaza.
    Harnessing Folksonomies to Produce a Social Classification of Resources [pdf] [+]
    IEEE TKDE. 2013. [IF 2013: 1.815]
  70. Daniel Archambault, Ruben Bouwmeester, Cosmin Cabulea, Elizabeth M. Daly, Giusy Di Lorenzo, Maarten de Rijke, Martin Harrigan, Eser Kandogan, Michael Muller, Mor Naaman, Daniele Quercia, Damiano Spina, Markus Strohmaier, Arkaitz Zubiaga.
    Reports on the Workshops Held at the Sixth International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media [pdf] [+]
    AI Magazine. 2013. [IF 2013: 0.500]
  71. 2012

  72. Alberto Pérez García-Plaza, Arkaitz Zubiaga, Víctor Fresno, Raquel Martínez.
    Reorganizing Clouds: a Study on Tag Clustering and Evaluation [pdf] [+]
    Expert Systems with Application. 2012. [IF 2012: 1.854]
  73. 2011

  74. Arkaitz Zubiaga, Raquel Martínez, Víctor Fresno.
    Augmenting Web Page Classifiers with Social Annotations [pdf] [+]
    Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural. 2011.
  75. 2010 and earlier

  76. Arkaitz Zubiaga, Raquel Martínez, Víctor Fresno.
    Clasificación de Páginas Web con Anotaciones Sociales [pdf] [+]
    Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural. 2009.
  77. Arkaitz Zubiaga, Víctor Fresno, Raquel Martínez.
    Comparativa de Aproximaciones a SVM Semisupervisado Multiclase para Clasificación de Páginas Web [pdf] [+]
    Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural. 2009.