Curriculum Vitae


  • 2008-2011: PhD in Computer Science, UNED [Best PhD Award].
  • 2006-2008: MSc in Language Technologies on the Web, UNED.
  • 2000-2005: MEng in Computer Science and Information Engineering, Mondragon Unibertsitatea.

Current Positions

  • 2019-Present: Queen Mary University of London, London, UK.
    • 2022-Present: Senior Lecturer / Associate Professor.
    • 2019-2022: Lecturer / Assistant Professor.

Past Employment


  • English: Full professional proficiency.
  • Basque: Native (mother tongue).
  • Spanish: Native.
  • Catalan: Professional working proficiency.

Research Grants

  • 2023-2026: HYBRIDS: Hybrid Intelligence to monitor, promote and analyse transformations in good democracy practices [info (UK), info (EU)]
    MSCA Doctoral Network, principal investigator, €2.6M + £265K
  • 2022-2025: AP4L: Adaptive PETs to Protect & emPower People during Life Transitions [info]
    EPSRC, co-investigator, £2.8M
    Principal Investigator: Nishanth Sastry (University of Surrey)
    Co-investigators: Gareth Tyson, Ignacio Castro and others
  • 2020-2022: Learning from COVID-19: An AI-enabled evidence-driven framework for claim veracity assessment during pandemics [info]
    EPSRC, co-investigator, £430,000
    Principal Investigator: Yulan He (University of Warwick)
    Co-investigators: Rob Procter (University of Warwick), Maria Liakata (QMUL)
  • 2019-2022: Online Harm-Aware Recommender System
    Royal Society International Exchange, Principal Investigator, £12,000
    Co-investigators: Daniela Godoy (UNICEN, Argentina)
  • 2019-2020: Hate Speech Is in the Eye of the Beholder: Exploring Bias on Hate Perception
    Facebook Research, co-investigator, £44,000
    Principal Investigator: Antonela Tommasel (UNICEN, Argentina)
    Co-investigators: Aiqi Jiang (QMUL), Rabab Alkhalifa (QMUL), Daniela Godoy (UNICEN, Argentina)
  • 2019: Citizen participation and machine learning for a better democracy
    Nesta, co-investigator, £20,000
    Principal Investigators: Miguel Arana Catania (Madrid City Council), Rob Procter (University of Warwick)

Research Projects Involved In (As a postdoc or PhD student)

  • 2017: PETRAS, Internet of Things Research Hub, funded by EPSRC.
  • 2017: Language sensing study for dementia monitoring and diagnosis.
  • 2014-2017: PHEME, Computing Veracity, the 4th Challenge of Big Data. Funded by the European Commission within the 7th Framework Program.
  • 2015: Developing a Flood Memory App: Sustainable Social Informatics for Flood Risk and Resilience. Funded by ESRC.
  • 2013-2014: Centre for Applied Data Analytics Research (CeADAR). Funded by Enterprise Ireland.
  • 2012-2013: Army Research Lab’s INARC (Information Network Academic Research Center). Funded by the US Army Research Lab.
  • 2012-2013: DARPA BOLT (Broad Operational Language Translation). Funded by DARPA.
  • 2011: Holopedia: The Automatic Encyclopedia of People and Organizations. Funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.
  • 2010-2011: OPENMT-2: Hybrid Machine Translation and advanced evaluation. Funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.
  • 2008-2011: MAVIR/MA2VICMR: Mejorando el Acceso, el Análisis y la Visibilidad de la Información y los Contenidos Multilingüe y Multimedia en Red para la Comunidad de Madrid. Funded by the Regional Government of Madrid.
  • 2008-2010: QEAVis: Quantitative Evaluation of Academic Websites’ Visibility. Funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.

Fellowships, Scholarships and Awards

  • 2024: Best Senior PC award at ICWSM 2024.
  • 2024: Second runner-up to the best paper award (honorable mention) at WebSci 2024.
  • 2024: Online Social Networks and Media 2023 Best Editor Award.
  • 2020: Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA).
  • 2019: Best reviewer award at ICWSM 2019.
  • 2017: Best paper award at CHI 2017.
  • 2012: Best PhD award, UNED.
  • 2011: Scholarship to attend Wikimania 2011, Wikimedia Foundation.
  • 2009: Scholarship to attend ACM DocEng 2009, ACM SIGWeb.
  • 2009: Scholarship to attend Wikimania 2009, Wikimedia Foundation.
  • 2009: Scholarship to attend the TrebleClef Summer School on Multilingual Information Access, TrebleCLEF.
  • 2008-2011: Research Fellowship at the NLP&IR Group of the UNED University, Region of Madrid.

Community Service

  Journal Editorship

  Special Issues Guest Edited

Keynote Talks

  • Broadening and Customising Abusive Language Detection, at the 2024 Cardiff NLP workshop.
  • The impact of time on social media research and classification, at the ICWSM 2023 Data Challenge on Temporal social data
  • Towards Automated Fact-checking for Detecting and Verifying Claims, at AIDisinfo 2022, the International seminar on artificial intelligence and disinformation.
  • Generalisation in Social Media Research: from Fact Verification to Hate Speech Detection, at PAN 2021
  • Towards Automated Fact-checking for Detecting and Verifying Claims, at ROMCIR 2021


Conference Chairing

Workshops Organised

  PhD Examiner

  1. December 2024: Mubashara Akhtar.
    Supervisor: Elena Simperl, King's College London.
  2. September 2024: Neng Zhang.
    Supervisor: Ebroul Izquierdo, QMUL.
  3. August 2024: Rini Anggrainingsih.
    Supervisor: Amitava Datta, University of Western Australia.
  4. June 2024: Afaf Abdulaziz Alharbi.
    Supervisor: Qianni Zhang, QMUL.
  5. March 2024: Joseph Kwarteng.
    Supervisor: Miriam Fernandez, Open University.
  6. March 2024: Gretel Liz De la Peña Sarracén.
    Supervisor: Paolo Rosso, Technical University of Valencia.
  7. September 2023: Carla Perez Almendros.
    Supervisor: Steven Schockaert, Cardiff University.
  8. August 2023: Young-Ok Cha.
    Supervisor: Yang Hao, QMUL.
  9. May 2023: Michael Soprano.
    Supervisors: Stefano Mizzaro and Kevin Roitero, University of Udine.
  10. April 2023: Yida Mu.
    Supervisor: Nikolaos Aletras, University of Sheffield.
  11. March 2023: Paula Fortuna.
    Supervisor: Leo Wanner, Pompeu Fabra University.
  12. November 2022: Nitu Bharati.
    Supervisor: Alistair Willis, Open University.
  13. May 2022: Husam Quteineh.
    Supervisors: Spyridon Samothrakis and Richard Sutcliffe, University of Essex.
  14. April 2022: Carlos Santos-Armendariz.
    Supervisor: Matthew Purver, QMUL.
  15. November 2021: Alexandra Uma.
    Supervisor: Massimo Poesio, QMUL.
  16. September 2021: Hermenegildo Fabregat.
    Supervisors: Lourdes Araujo and Juan Martinez-Romo, UNED.
  17. June 2021: Adam Poulston.
    Supervisors: Mark Stevenson and Kalina Bontcheva, University of Sheffield.
  18. May 2021: Abeer Aldayel.
    Supervisor: Walid Magdy, University of Edinburgh.
  19. December 2020: Bilal Ghanem.
    Supervisor: Paolo Rosso, Technical University of Valencia.
  20. November 2020: Ye Jiang.
    Supervisor: Diana Maynard, University of Sheffield.
  21. June 2020: Aritz Bilbao.
    Supervisor: Aitor Almeida, University of Deusto.
  22. February 2020: Javier Cuenca Ariza.
    Supervisors: Felix Larrinaga, Mondragon Unibertsitatea and Ed Curry, NUI Galway.
  23. June 2019: Claudia Orellana-Rodriguez.
    Supervisor: Mark Keane. University College Dublin.
  24. July 2017: Zuhaitz Beloki.
    Supervisors: Aitor Soroa and Xabier Artola. University of the Basque Country.
  25. July 2017: Xabier Saralegi.
    Supervisors: Eneko Agirre and Iñaki Alegria. University of the Basque Country.
  26. February 2017: Ander Barrena.
    Supervisors: Eneko Agirre and Aitor Soroa. University of the Basque Country.
  27. December 2016: André Sabino.
    Supervisor: Armanda Rodrigues. Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
  28. October 2016: Alain Perez.
    Supervisors: Felix Larrinaga and Juan Ignacio Igartua. Mondragon Unibertsitatea.
  29. May 2015: Ander Intxaurrondo.
    Supervisors: Eneko Agirre and Oier Lopez de Lacalle. University of the Basque Country.

  Program Committee Membership (Selected)


See section Publications